Set up with PayPal

With CommuniBee, you can choose to subscribe (monthly or annually) to unlock the use of Alternate Payments. 

Alternate Payments includes Stripe, Square, PayPal, and offline acceptance (cash, check, e-transfer, etc.). Invoicing for platform fees occurs on the 25th of each month, with automatic billing (against the credit card used to subscribe) occurring on the 1st of the following month.

For quicker set up, it is recommended you use two browser tabs.

In one internet browser, open your CommuniBee dashboard. Navigate to the Banking tab, select the PayPal payment option, and click Setup Provider.

In a second internet tab, log in to the PayPal Developer Dashboard (this is not your usual sign in link), or create a new PayPal Business account then log in through the link provided above. 

  • Under Apps & Credentials, toggle from Sandbox to Live to ensure you aren’t using test keys.
  • Click Create App.
  • Type in an app name such as your organization name, and click Create App.
  • Copy the Client ID.
  • Return to your CommuniBee dashboard to paste this key into the PayPal Client ID.
  • Return to the PayPal tab and copy the Secret key.
  • Return to your CommuniBee dashboard and paste this key into the PayPal Secret Key.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Banking page and click Save.
  • Click the Test Payment.
    • Note that you will be using a real credit card to test a $1 payment. Once completed, a successful payment message will appear.
  • Return to the PayPal tab and log out of PayPal’s developer dashboard.
  • Log in to the standard PayPal dashboard using this link: PayPal Log in.
  • View your recent activity. The $1 payment (minus PayPal’s processing fee) should appear within minutes. This is where you can review and manage payments made by your customers going forward.

CommuniBee does not display active communities right now. If you are looking to view a specific community, you will need the community’s website URL.

Be sure to check your email to see if you received an invitation to the community; otherwise, you should contact a community admin for access.

Still stuck? Email us at