Onboard users

Expanding your community? Here’s how to easily add new users.

Add new users

Navigate to the Users tab in your management dashboard for an overview of your current users and to invite new ones.

To add someone new, click the Add User button. On the User Details tab, fill in their details:

  • Required: First Name, Last Name, Contact Email
  • Optional: Profile Image, Phone Number, Billing Address.

Roles and Groups

Set the user’s access level under the Roles and Groups tab. Available roles include:

  • Owner: By default, this role is given to the creator of the community which gives access to every section of the CommuniBee dashboard, including banking setup, subscription management, and billing history.
  • Admin: Grants the same access as the Owner role but without any access banking setup, subscription management, or billing history.
  • Operations: Grants access to manage community content, manual orders, order fulfillment, event attendance and registrations. This role is perfect for volunteers within your organization.
  • Guest: Grants basic access to your community’s front-end. Guests can view your website and engage with the content that you share. They will not have access to your management dashboard.
  • Banned: Removes the user’s ability to make purchases or register for events within your community.


This tab allows you to manage a user’s eWallet (if enabled). You can also view and manage their transaction history, including processing refunds or marking orders as complete/paid.

Account Security

If a user is having difficulty remembering or resetting their password, you can step in to manually change their password, if needed.

CommuniBee does not display active communities right now. If you are looking to view a specific community, you will need the community’s website URL.

Be sure to check your email to see if you received an invitation to the community; otherwise, you should contact a community admin for access.

Still stuck? Email us at support@communibee.ca