Apply sponsorships

Track the sponsorships your community receives! When a sponsor makes a contribution to the community, the amount can be saved in your community’s dashboard. You can opt to display the sponsorship information in your community, or keep it private, it’s up to you.

While a sponsor can directly support the community, they can also choose to sponsor specific fundraising campaigns. When a sponsor decides to support a campaign, this sponsorship can be linked directly to it. This feature allows for two possibilities: either adding a new sponsor at the time of the campaign or applying the sponsorship to an existing sponsor in the community. This flexibility ensures that sponsorships can be managed and showcased in a way that aligns with both community and campaign objectives.

Apply Sponsorship to a Community Sponsor

If an existing community sponsor has donated to your community, you may wish to track this amount against the sponsor. To apply a sponsorship to a sponsor, navigate to the Fundraising menu option, and select the Sponsors tab.

From here, a list of your existing sponsors will appear. Select View on the sponsor you wish to apply the sponsorship to. You will be directed to the Sponsors Overview page (as long as the sponsor is live). Next, you will see a button to Add Sponsorship. Selecting this will allow you to enter the sponsorship amount, and optionally attribute it to a Fundraising Campaign. You may wish to enter a Note for tracking purposes (this does not publicly display in your community).

Apply Sponsorship to a Fundraising Campaign

If your fundraising campaign received a sponsorship, you can track this amount against the campaign itself. The sponsorship amount will contribute towards the campaign’s overall goal. From the Fundraising Campaign’s Overview page, scroll down to the Sponsors table and click, Add Sponsorship

A popup modal will appear where you will be able to select an existing community sponsor or create a new sponsor if they don’t already exist in your community. You will enter the sponsorship amount and, if desired, you may opt to display the sponsorship amount on the fundraising page, visible to guests. You may wish to enter a Note for tracking purposes (this does not publicly display in your community).

Note: when a new sponsor is added from a Fundraising Campaign, the newly added sponsor will exist along with your other community sponsors, but in a Draft state. The new sponsor’s page/sponsorship details will not be visible to your guests until you complete the Sponsor setup and set the status to Live.

CommuniBee does not display active communities right now. If you are looking to view a specific community, you will need the community’s website URL.

Be sure to check your email to see if you received an invitation to the community; otherwise, you should contact a community admin for access.

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