Manage online and manual orders

Now that your marketplace is fully set up and filled with products, online and manual orders are going to start rolling in. Find out how to manage your orders and also create manual orders.

Manage Orders

From the Marketplace menu option, select the Orders tab. From here, any orders that have been placed will be listed. By default, the list will be filtered to All Active orders, but this can be changed. If your marketplace is new, you may not see any orders here to start.

You can easily filter orders by their status or by the item type.

These filter options allow you to view orders by status and by type. For example, you may wish to view all open orders containing products. Or all refunded event ticket orders.

As orders are placed by your guests, you will be able to click into the Order’s tile to view further details, such as:

  • Order Number
  • Order Date
  • Purchaser details: name and email address
  • Ordered Items: items included in the order
  • Fulfillment Method: Pickup, Delivery, No Fulfillment
  • Total Amount Owed/Paid
  • Payment Method
  • Order’s Status: Unpaid, Open, Completed, Refunded, or Cancelled

Depending on the order’s status, you will have the ability to take additional actions. See below for a breakdown of the different order statuses, and what you can manage.

Product Inventory Export

Once your community starts receiving product orders, whether they are unpaid or paid, you need to be aware of your committed inventory. Committed inventory includes product orders that have been placed but have not been fulfilled (picked up/delivered). To view your product inventory along with any committed inventory, navigate to the Reports tab and select Export Inventory. This will download a .CSV file of your products, including the current Quantity (inventory) and Unfulfilled Order Quantity (committed inventory).

As orders are placed, the Unfulfilled Order Quantity will automatically increment and as they are fulfilled, the Unfulfilled Order Quantity will automatically decrement. This way, you will always know how much of your total inventory is currently committed. This is important if your marketplace is accepting orders in person (manual orders) as well as online orders.

Create A Manual Order

Before being able to create a manual order, make sure your marketplace has one or more products. If you don’t have any yet, see our guide on adding products. Depending on how you run your marketplace, you may need to add a manual order. To do so, follow the steps below.

From the Marketplace menu option, select the Manual Orders tab. From here, you will see a screen with two tabs, one to select Individual Products, and one to select your Specials (discounts you can apply to the order – learn how to create a special).

Let’s start by adding Individual Products.

CommuniBee does not display active communities right now. If you are looking to view a specific community, you will need the community’s website URL.

Be sure to check your email to see if you received an invitation to the community; otherwise, you should contact a community admin for access.

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