Add products to sell

To start uploading your products into your marketplace, follow the steps below. From the Marketplace menu option, select the Products tab. On this screen, we provide an overview of all your products which can be filtered and sorted to meet your needs.

Start by clicking on the Add Product button.


Like other setup pages within CommuniBee Suite, begin by including some general information on the product.

  • Title: Enter the name of the product. 
  • Page Slug: A unique web address suffix for your product’s page, automatically generated but this is editable. 
  • Short Description: Provide a product summary that will be displayed when shared online or on other pages. 
  • Feature Image: Upload an image that will be displayed when sharing this product on social media or within your community. 

Once you have entered the above details, click Save.


Now that you created a product, you can provide details on Inventory, Fulfillment, Pricing, and Taxes.


This section is all about the design of the hero section for your product’s page. You can upload images or link to a video to feature, and depending on the media type and positioning, you can control how visitors will first encounter your page: 

  • Media Position: Choose where you want your image or video to appear.
    • Header & Body Only: No image, no problem. Your page will default to only have header and body text. No image upload necessary.
    • Media On Left: If you would like to keep your image and content together within a single section, this allows your image to appear on the left, and your header, body, and details of the page on the right.
    • Media Full Width At Top: Like standard web pages, a banner appears at the very top of your page and takes up the full width (commonly referred as the ‘Hero’ section). The rest of the content then appears below your banner.
      • If using Images, you will have the option to adjust the following:
        • Banner Aspect Ratio: select the general size of your image(s).
        • Banner Max Height: choose how tall your image(s) will be.
        • Image Anchor: determine how your image(s) will be positioned.
      • Use Custom Blocks Only: Feeling ambitious and want to build this page from the ground up? Select this option and navigate to the Layout tab to create a unique page using our pre-built page blocks.
    • Media Type
      • If you selected Media on Left or Media Full Width At Top from the Media Position dropdown, you can decide on the media type (Images or Video).
        • Images: you can browse from your community library or upload new images from your device. If you upload multiple images, they will appear on your page as a slideshow.
        • Video: only YouTube videos are supported currently. Open the YouTube video you want to link. Click on the Share button, then select the Embed option. Only copy the URL from this screen, then navigate back to your CommuniBee dashboard and paste it in the Video URL field.


Add any text content you wish to display on the page using the HTML editor. If left blank, we present the Short Description that was entered on the General tab. If you selected to use Custom Blocks Only from the Media tab, you can ignore this tab as you will be using page blocks from the Layout tab to add your content.


Not only can you preview your product’s page from this tab, but you can also make additional changes to the overall page layout.

To build on this page and add additional sections, follow the steps below:

  1. Under where it says, Choose Another Template or Block to Add, click on the Add Block To End button.
  2. A Page Block screen will appear that lists individual blocks that can be added to your page. For example, a Text Block to include text and an optional button, a Multiple Item Block to feature specific items from your community, and more.
  3. Click the Add button to have the block appear on your product’s page.
  4. Depending on the block type you select, you will have different customization options. As you make changes to a page block, a preview will update live on your screen so you can know exactly how your page will look before you save.
  5. After you finish customizing a page block, be sure to hit the Save button so you don’t lose your work.
  6. For any additional blocks you add, you have the option to edit, duplicate, or delete individual blocks by using the icons on the right side of each block

To rearrange a block, use your mouse and hold left click on it, then drag the block above or below another block. Let go of left click to set the block in place. Learn more about the available page blocks.


The Visibility tab is where you make this product page visible to your guests. Start by configuring, Can Guests See And Buy? which allows you to control if guests can purchase the product on their own, or if they need an admin facilitate the purchase.


  • Draft: The default status for any newly created page. Pages set to Draft cannot be shared or viewed by your audience.
  • Live: The status must be live in order to be visible to your guests. You can share and have your audience view the page from your website.
  • Archived: For pages that you want removed from your website. Once Archived, the page will be accessible from your dashboard and can be permanently deleted by navigating to its General tab.

You have the flexibility to change the page status at any time. Additionally, you can schedule when a page goes live or set it to archive automatically at a future date and time. 

For your product page, you can decide whether the product shows on your user’s feeds, regardless of the interests that they filter by. Lastly, you can categorize and filter the product which will determine where this product will appear.

Schedule a Publish Date: Enter the date and time you wish to have the page become visible to your guests. Then set the status to Live and save. Note, a static page must be linked somewhere in your CommuniBee site in order to be accessible to guests, such as to the Top Menu, or to an existing page via a side item block.  

Automatically Hide: Enter a Hide After date and time and your page will be automatically archived once this date is reached. This makes it inaccessible to guests and ensures the content on your website stays up to date.

Tip: To get a comprehensive understanding of the many settings and options available, consider setting your page status to Live after you’re done with the General tab. This action unlocks the ability to click on the Preview tab just below the Visibility tab. Additionally, an Overview tab will appear which includes a View option. Both of these options will allow you to see your page as it would appear to your website visitors. Continuously reviewing your page from a guest perspective whenever you make a change is the simplest and most effective way to ensure your page looks just right!

CommuniBee does not display active communities right now. If you are looking to view a specific community, you will need the community’s website URL.

Be sure to check your email to see if you received an invitation to the community; otherwise, you should contact a community admin for access.

Still stuck? Email us at